Friday, April 22, 2011

Everything but quilting in Canada

Sorry to all,

I've been up at my house in Canada.
(The photo by the way- is baker street in Nelson, BC...)

I haven't done any quilting...

I did bring my applique project to work on.

But I've been spending my time

with friends,

and just chilaxing.

I did buy a ball of really yummy yarn

at the local shop here.

("That Craft Store")

The brand is NORO,

from Japan.


50% Wool

30% Angora

20% Silk

color no 73 lot A

It is a multi color yarn

with pinks, greys, blues, & greens.

I only bought one skein because of the cost.

I decided it needed to be a hat.

(I'm going to have to start wearing hats)

I'm actually working out my own pattern.

Not the first one I've tried doing,

I have a pair of slippers I need to finish...

I wanted it to be as little bit slouchy,

but I didn't want it too big.

I have gotten about 1/2 way done with it.

I'll put up my pattern and a photo once it is done.


I have been wanting some new shirts/tops,

and I just cannot find stuff I like that fits me right.


I broke down and bought some patterns


I'm doing some fashion sewing.

I have that about 1/2 way done as well.


I'll post photo and pattern information

when that is done as well.

One of the things I do with friends here in Nelson,

is scrap booking.

They get together on the 3rd thursday of each month

and visit,


share supplies.


catch up,

eat, etc.

I join them whenever I can be here on the right week.

Right now I'm working on my

scrapbook journal from my 2 years living in Italy.


like I said;

No quilting,

but other craft activities going on here in Canada.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

no quilting this week

just thought I'd put in an update on my activities...

of which there haven't really been any.

I caught a cold when I got back from Utah.

Then I had some Church obligations,

and then I had other errands such as

picking up my new eye glasses.

The one fun thing I did do,

was go and watch the pine wood derby.

The local scouting group invited the girl scout group to participate

in the pinewood derby activity this year.

I don't know if they do this every year or not...

My grand-daughter who is a brownie,

got to create a car and race it.

She didn't win any races,

came close a couple of times.

But her car won 3 awards for the design.

She wins prizes quite often for her artistic endeavers.

no quilts this week,

but the pinewood derby was fun.

I included a picture of her here with her car.