Wednesday, September 9, 2020

adventures in cooking - Amish Bar-be-cue Pork Chops


I have actually been working on quite a few things. 

Including several scrap quilts that will be gifted at Christmas.

But, today I wanted to talk about cooking.

I am not a great cook, but I collect cookbooks and recipes.

I decided I needed to start using them.

I plan to try a new recipe or two - every week from the collection. 

This came about because I bought a box full of old cookbooks and recipes and notes...

at a yard sale way out in the country side. 

The collection had come from a 90 year old neighbor of the person I bought it from.

Lot's of hand written recipes and notes in the books and magazines.

So I selected the following recipe to try out... 

It looked rather simple, and she said it came from a country magazine and is an Amish recipe.

Bar-be-cue pork chops-


1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 cup of catsup

1 TBLSP Worchershire 

1/2 cup chopped onions. 

pour over pork chops and bake 2 hours 375

Well, like I said I' not the best cook, I didn't buy any Cream of Mushroom soup 

because I thought I had some in my pantry. Turns out I didn't. whoops...

So I substituted cream of chicken soup because I did have that.

I decided to throw it in the crock pot instead of the oven, for convenience.

this is what it looked like all in-

I let it cook all afternoon, while I worked on other things...

And then it was dinner time.

Turned out pretty good. 

They were small thin pork chops, I served them with a salad and potatoes. The salad came from a bag at the grocer, you mix and serve. Easy and about 3.50$. The potatoes, are ones I do in the microwave quite often and are favorites of ours - with out a recipe for the most part.

My son did recently ask me how to make them- so here goes.

using the smaller red skinned potatoes, 

cut them into bite sized pieces.

put in microwave safe bowl with 1 - 2 TBLSP butter (depends on how many potatoes in the bowl)

add some seasoning, this time I use Mrs. Dash garlic herb blend. other times it's paprika or other blends.

microwave 3-5 minutes stir and repeat until potatoes are soft.

makes a great easy side dish.

So what did we think of the Bar-be-cue pork chops? They were alright. My husband said they were really good. But they had more of a sweet taste than a Bar-be-cue flavor. I may make them again some time. It was rather easy. But quite frankly, if I want bar-be-cue flavored pork chops, I'd probably just smother them with a purchased bar-be-que sauce. It would cost less than this sauce did. But I am thinking it may have a smokier taste if I use the actual cream of mushroom instead of the cream of chicken. So don't base how this recipe went by my doing here. LOL, like I said - I am not the best cook, but I am trying. I like eating, so I figure this is a fun way to try new things.  

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